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Accounting: Company Analysis

The Accounting program prepares students for careers in the accounting profession, emphasizing a combination of accounting theory and practical application necessary for successful employment using both manual and computerized accounting systems.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis diagram.
By Xhienne (SWOT pt.svg) [CC BY-SA 2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons


SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunties, and Threats.  A SWOT analysis is a process companies use to assess themselves and their competitors and formulate their strategies.

Information in a SWOT analysis is organized into internal and external factors:

1.  An examination of the Strengths and Weaknesses of a company.  This is an internal look at company operations to identify what the company does well and where it needs to improve. It focuses on the current situation.

2.  An examination of the external environment in which the company operates. This means identifying industry trends and outside forces that could pose Threats or provide Opportunities for the company.  It focuses on the future.

Finding Company Information

Finding Published SWOT Analyses

What's a SWOT analysis?  See the box to the left for an explanation.

You can find published SWOT analyses in GALILEO's business article databases.  Here's a sample search using the Business Source Complete   database:

Screen shot of how to search for Home Depot and SWOT in Business Source Complete.

RESEARCH TIP:  published SWOT analyses can be outdated or incomplete, so evaluate them as you would any other information resource.  If you use them in your report or presentation, you need to cite your sources.

Subject Guide