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Citation Guides: Chicago-Turabian Style

Quick reference to frequently used citation formats for APA, APSA, Chicago/Turabian, and MLA styles. For more information, please reach out to you Friendly Lanier Tech Librarian.

More Information

Turabian style format can be complex.  For more information on how to cite other common sources or for more in depth explanations of citation formats, please open the pdf below, refer to the official Turabian Guide found in your campus library or consult with your instructor or campus librarian.

In-Text Citations document will be coming very soon!

General Format Requirements

Margins:  1" on all four edges of the page

Font:  Choose a single, readable, and widely available font such as Times New Roman or Arial. In general, use the equivalent of at least ten-point Arial or twelve-point Times New Roman for the body of the text. (Some fonts like Arial, take up more space on a line and appear larger than other fonts at the same point size.

Spacing and Indentation:  Double-space all text in paper except the following items, which should be single-spaced:  block quotations, table titles and figure captions, and lists in appendixes

The following items should be single-spaced but with a blank line between each item:  certain elements in the from matter, including the table of contents and any list of figures, tables, or abbreviations, footnotes or endnotes, and bibliographies or reference lists

For single spacing, a setting of up to 1.15 lines may be allowed. Put only one space, not two, between sentences. Use tabs or indents rather than spaces for paragraph indentation and to adjust other content requiring consistent alignment.*

*pp.384-385, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers, 9th. ed.

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Lanier Technical College Libraries

Marci Manglitz
Director of Library Services
Hall Campus


Min Su
Forsyth Campus


Tina Jordan
Dawson Campus


Angela Moss-Hill
Barrow & Jackson Campus


Print Book

If There Is:


One Author


Note Format:

Author First Last Name, Title of Book (Place of Publication: Name of Publisher, Date of Publication), page numbers. [1]

Bibliographic Format:

Author Last Name, Author First Name. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Name of publisher, Date of publication.

Sample Citation:

Jones, Dan. Crusaders: The Epic History of the Wars for the Holy Lands. New York: Viking, 2019.

Multiple Authors


*Note: Authors should be listed as they appear. If authors only have initials for their first name, do not write out their full names. Only the first author is inverted (last name first).

Note Format:

Author First Last Name and Author Full Name, Title of Book (Place of Publication: Name of Publisher, Date of Publication), page numbers. [2]

Bibliographic Format:

Author Last Name, Author First Name and Author Full Name. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Date of Publication.

Sample Citation:

Roberts, Gene and Hank Klibanoff. The Race Beat: The Press, the Civil Rights Struggle, and the Awakening of a Nation. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2007.

1. Dan Jones, Crusaders: The Epic History of the Wars for the Holy Lands (New York: Viking, 2019), 121-125.

2. Gene Roberts and Hank Klibanoff. The Race Beat: The Press, the Civil Rights Struggle, and the Awakening of a Nation (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2007), 100.

Electronic Book

If There Is:


Electronic Book from Library Database


Note Format:

Author First Last Name, Title of Book (City of publication: Name of publisher, Date of publication), page range, DOI or Permalink. [1]

Bibliographic Format:

Author Last Name, Author First Name. Title of Book. City of publication: Name of publisher, Date of publication. DOI or Permalink.

Sample Bibliographic Citation:

Buchanan, John. The Road to Charleston: Nathanael Green and the American Revolution. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2019.,shib&db=nlebk&AN=2358372&site=ehost-live&custid=lant.

6. John Buchanan, The Road to Charleston: Nathanael Green and the American Revolution (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2019), 10-11,,shib&db=nlebk&AN=2358372&site=ehost-live&custid=lant.

Scholarly Article from a Library Database

Scholarly Journal Article from a Library Database


Note Format:

Author First Last Name, “Article Title,” Journal Title volume number, issue number (Date of publication): page numbers, DOI or Permalink. [1]

Bibliographic Format:

Author Last Name, Author First Name. “Article Title.” Journal Title volume number, issue number (Date of publication): page numbers. DOI or Permalink.

Sample Bibliographic Citation:

Balalykin, Dmitry A. “Galen’s Understanding of the Digestive System in the Context of the Commensurability of Medical Knowledge in Different Periods.” History of Medicine 6, no. 2 (2019): 98-110.

9. Dmitry A. Balalykin, “Galen’s Understanding of the Digestive System in the Context of the Commensurability of Medical Knowledge in Different Periods,” History of Medicine 6, no. 2 (2019): 98,


Video from Films on Demand

or Streaming Source

*Note: Information for multimedia works will vary depending on the type of source. At a minimum, identify the title of the work, the date it was created or published or otherwise made available, the name of the studio or other entity responsible for producing or distributing the work, and information about the medium in which you consulted it. Anything with a run time less than an hour is displayed in minutes and seconds. Anything with an hour run time or longer is displayed in hours and minutes.

Note Format:

Title of Film, directed by Director’s Full Name (Production Company, Date), Cite Time in Film, URL. [1],[2]

Bibliographic Format:

Title of Film. Directed by Director’s Name. Production Company, Date. Run time. URL.

Sample Bibliographic Citations:

Chernobyl’s Café. Journeyman Pictures, 2016. 57:17.

I Am Not Your Negro. Directed by Raoul Peck. Magnolia Pictures, 2017. 1 hr., 33 min.

11. Chernobyl’s Café, (Journeyman Pictures, 2016), 30:14 to 35:55,

12. I Am Not Your Negro, directed by Raoul Peck (Magnolia Pictures, 2017), 30:14 to 35:55,



In-Text Citations

Author-Date In-Text Citations

In-text citations for Author-Date style include the author’s last name, year of publication, and page range.

(LastName YEAR, #)


If your reference list entry is:

Moss-Hill, Angela. 2017. Libraries and English Literature. Athens: Nonexistent Books Press.

Moss-Hill, Angela, and Marci Manglitz. 2017. Library Guides and History. Gainesville: Nonexistent Books Press.

In-Text Citations will be:

(Moss-Hill 2017, 23)

(Moss-Hill and Manglitz 2017, 112)

For a work with 3 or more authors and multiple pages, your in-text citation will look like this:

(Manglitz, Moss-Hill, and Su 2023, 9–10)

If a source lacks page numbers, your in-text citation needs to include the source name or author last name and year of publication.  It will look like this:

(Google 2023)

If there is no known year of publication, you can use the abbreviation n.d. (no date) to indicate there is no publication date available. Here’s an example:

(Google n.d.)

For social media posts, such as comments, an in-text citation may include the commenter’s full name, full date of the comment and time stamp, location of the comment (such as what post or page the comment is published upon) and the year of publication. While social media posts will rarely be included in your reference list, you must cite the comment in the body of your writing with an in-text citation.

Here is an example:

(Tina Jordan, December 5, 2023, 11:23 a.m., comment on Lanier Technical College Libraries 2023)

Notes and Bibliography

For Notes and Bibliography style, you will not use in-text citations. Instead, you will use superscript numbers that reference notes and/or shortened notes in the footer of your work. Please refer to The Owl at Purdue Sample CMOS NB Paper for instructions about this particular format on a sample paper.

The first time you provide a citation, you will give a full bibliographic entry in the footnote, numbered to match the superscript number in your paper. The second time you use the same citation, you can use a shortened form that consists of the author name(s), year of publication, and (if applicable) page numbers. Here’s an example of how this looks:

Here is a link to Microsoft support detailing how to input footnotes and references using Word: Insert Footnotes and Endnotes