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Phlebotomy Technician: Books

The Phlebotomy Technician program trains students to draw and process blood specimens. Phlebotomy technicians typically work in concert with medical lab technicians in hospitals or other healthcare organizations.

Catalog Search

Lanier Tech Library Catalog

Use keywords from your topic to search for materials owned by Lanier Tech's libraries, including:

  • print books 
  • ebooks
  • videos

See search tips below!

Interested in a title not available through Lanier Tech? Fill out our Interlibrary Loan form.


Book Search Tips

Finding good information resources can be frustrating!

Make it a more satisfying experience by using these strategies:

  • Use specific search terms - A search for global warming will get thousands of results, but global warming and agricultural impact will result in fewer and more relevant results.

  • Try using the "Advanced Search" screen - You'll find it easier to add more terms to your search and specify where they should appear - for example, in an article title or subject heading.

  • Try an exact phrase - Searching for stem cell research will retrieve results with these three words, but to ensure that they appear as a phrase (together and in the same order), try putting them in quotation marks: "stem cell research".

  • Use "search options" or "limits" - limit your search to full text articles, academic/scholarly articles (what's this?) or to a specific date range. Limit features can often be found in a side menu or on the database's Advanced Search screen.

If you get stuck, contact your campus librarian!


Phlebotomy Print Titles

Contact Us!

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Lanier Technical College Libraries

Marci Manglitz
Director of Library Services
Hall Campus


Min Su
Forsyth Campus


Tina Jordan
Dawson Campus


Jocelyn Deal
Barrow Campus
